How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally

Our favorite cockroach expert - biologist Joseph G. Kunkel when asked about killing roaches says: "I realize that most people are more interested in killing them since they are pests in their houses and can contribute to spreading disease in hospitals and childhood asthma in the home. Beware of most commercial preparations, even those that depend upon the 'natural' insect juvenile hormone. Since these are relatively slow acting, the manufacturers often add a 'knock-down' additive poison which gratifies the user since it provides visual proof that the treatment works when it comes in direct contact with the pest. Read the label of whatever poison you use". I have come across 2 methods of killing cockroaches that are non-toxic to humans: Boric Acid and Live-traps.
Boric Acid. The crystals of boric acid are sharp and get between the joints of an insect's exoskeleton. The sharp crystals abrade the cuticle and make the cockroach lose water and die of dehydration. This is a simple and cheap method. Dust the boric acid (which is relatively non-toxic) around the corners of rooms and in hiding places frequented by the roaches.

Why Вoric Acid & Diatomaceous Earth are the Safest Ways to Get Rid of Roaches

Boric acid is actually an amalgam of boron and water. Boron is one of the elements mined from earth and used in number of consumer products like toothpastes, mouthwash and laundry additives. it is used either solely or in combination with water for controlling insects population.
Boric acid acts as a contact poison as well as a stomach poison. A number of studies have revealed that boric acid, when ingested by cockroaches, reaches the stomach and acts as a stomach poison. Other studies have reported that even when boric acid comes in contact with the skin of cockroaches, it gets absorbed and dries the bodies of insects to the extent that it leads to their death. Boric acid is not toxic to humans but very toxic to cockroaches.

Also, take advantage of diatomaceous earth which is an excellent natural solution made from the remains of aquatic organisms. Dr. Barb Ogg from the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension suggests using D.E. along with boric acid. Both are dust, environmentally friendly and exclude chemicals. Diatomaceous earth damages the coating of the cockroach's body making the insect dry out and eventually die. Scientists from the University of Alaska recommend applying the stuff on floors and behind walls, particularly to cracks and crevices where cockroaches typically hide.
Given below are the guidelines on the use of boric acid against cockroaches:
  • While in kitchen, first of all, vacant the whole area especially the cabinets and area under the sink;
  • Also clean the area under and beside the refrigerator;
  • Now carefully fill all the cracks and holes;
  • Don’t use glue for sealing the holes as cockroaches can easily eat it;
  • Now carefully spread the boric acid all around and for the better result do it at night. Be careful not to inhale it while spreading;
  • Now clean all the area either by washing it or by using a vacuum cleaner and then wipe with a dry rag.

Natural Roach Capturing Devices

We’ve found for you other natural solutions. You can set a number of traps for cockroaches and some effective ones are mentioned below.
  • Sticky Tape and Onion Trap. This solution is effective at night. What you have to do is to buy a sticky tape, after that slice an onion and put it on the tape. Now place this assembly in the sites where roaches hang out at night. In the morning, you will find many of them stuck to the tape.
onion as a cockroach trap: photo
  • Jar Trap. Another effective way to get rid of cockroaches. What you have to do is to wrap a duct tape or any other opaque tape on a jar. Place attractive items in the jar and put that on shelf. Cockroaches will enter into it, and you can put some jelly or boiling water on jar. This is how you will create a blockage for the cockroaches.
  • Wine Bottle Trap. Long neck wine bottle can also be used for catching cockroaches. In order to make a trap, you have put either wine or solution of sugar and water in a bottle. First pour the oil inside the bottle and cover the long neck. When cockroaches come to the bottle and get into the container, it is time to put solution inside. You can vaseline the inside wall so that insects can't climb up.
  • Baking Soda. This is also one of the options to use against cockroaches. Take some container comprising the mixture of sugar, water, and baking soda. Put this mixture in a place where insects are usually seen. Smell of this mixture will attract cockroaches so they will come into the container and get into the trap. Baking Soda will react with water and produce a gas. It will cause the bursting of cockroaches’ stomach.
  • Petroleum Jelly. What you can do is grease the container with petroleum jelly. Add some food articles, cockroaches will come to eat them but will slip back into the container. They will try their best to escape and move back towards their shelter. In this way, you can trace their shelter and eventually kill all of them.


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